Orthopedic Rehabilitation Programs – Options for Fresno Residents


After any surgery, injury, or musculoskeletal health condition like rheumatoid arthritis or MS, it’s essential that you regain strength and mobility. To do this, you want to look into specialized orthopedic programs where trained healthcare professionals guide you through exercises and techniques that aid in healing and recovery. 

Fresno residents have a range of orthopedic rehabilitation programs available to them at Premium Sports & Orthopedic. Learn more about the basics of orthopedic rehabilitation and what our programs include.

What Is Orthopedic Rehabilitation?

Orthopedic rehabilitation is a program developed and supervised by licensed doctors. It’s designed to help bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons heal and strengthen following an accident, injury, or health issues.

Doctors and therapists who are trained in human musculoskeletal structures help patients gain strength, balance, flexibility, and motion through approaches like stretching, strength training, massage, electrical stimulation, and hot/cold therapy.

Sometimes, injuries from accidents or health issues cannot restore mobility to normal. An amputation is an example of that. This is another area of orthopedic rehabilitation. It’s the process of learning how to use mobility aids like orthotics with the help of a therapist. 

Orthopedic Rehabilitation Programs Shouldn’t Be One-Size-Fits-All

The best orthopedic rehabilitation program is one that is customized to your needs. If you’re being offered a standard plan, you may benefit from some of the services, but not the others. You need to work with a medical team that combines their specialties to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

You also need to have a team who listens to you. If a sports injury leads to a traumatic brain injury and spinal damage, you will be in the hospital for part of your recovery. Inpatient rehabilitation gets you started, but you’ll eventually transition to outpatient services. As you make that transition, it will help if you’re getting the outpatient services in one office instead of several different ones.

Understanding Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services in Fresno

At Fresno’s Premium Sports & Orthopedic, the programs are a thoughtful balance of high-tech diagnostics, therapies, and FDA-approved regenerative treatments. Our doctors realize that traditional treatments work best when there’s also a wholistic approach that focuses on physical and mental healing. 

That’s our goal, and we work with you to determine the best options to help your bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles repair correctly and quickly. Plus, we add strengthening programs to help prevent reinjury to help ease your fear of getting hurt again.

Our team helps with a range of conditions, injuries, and problems, including:

  • ACL tears
  • Car accidents
  • Dislocations
  • Foot and ankle sprains
  • Golf and tennis elbow
  • Hernias
  • Joint, muscle, and tissue injuries or tears
  • Pain management
  • Post-surgical healing
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Stress and compression fractures

Recovery from your injury or accident is the goal, and our team helps you do that using these orthopedic rehabilitation services.

  • EMS (Small electrical pulses help with muscle contractions to improve muscle health and build strength faster than with exercise alone)
  • Fitness and Medical Weight Loss (Good for strengthening muscle, losing excess weight that contributed to an injury, and improving overall diet and nutrition)
  • Physical Therapy (Helps strengthen muscles, regain mobility, and improve stamina using targeted exercises, massage, and cold therapy
  • Plasma-Rich Platelets/PRP (Extracts plasma-rich platelets from your body and injects them into a healing joint or muscle to aid recovery and lessen pain)
  • Stem Cell Therapy (Helps with tissue recovery, collagen production, and cellular healing)

Who’s Part of a Rehabilitation Team?

Every practice is different, but you can expect to work with some or all of these healthcare professionals after an injury or medical diagnosis.

  • Family Medicine Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Pain Specialists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Orthopedic Surgeons

How Do You Choose the Right Program For Your Needs?

You don’t have to choose the right program. Instead, work with Dr. Green and his team to build an orthopedic rehabilitation program that’s targeted specifically to your needs and adjusted as you recover. If you have a setback, the plan adjusts to account for things that don’t go as expected. Factors that are considered include:

  • How dedicated you are to the process, such as whether you are doing the recommended exercises at home, too.
  • The severity of the injury or condition and how quickly you normally heal.
  • Whether you’re driving or have to arrange to have someone drive you to every appointment.
  • Your individual preferences and time available to attend sessions with your rehabilitation team.
  • Your insurance coverage and out-of-pocket financial concerns that may limit the services you can afford.
  • Your pain tolerance and physical health, because someone who is overweight needs to address that while also regaining strength, balance, and mobility, too.

Get Started on the Path to Recovery

Before you can even get started, you need to address the best path forward, and that’s a multi-step process that begins with the initial assessment. Don’t try to complete a recovery on your own. The risk of permanent injury is too great, plus you could cause additional injuries due to your lack of expertise in how muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons work together.

Our Fresno sports and orthopedic services include access to high-tech diagnostic equipment. We’ll find all injuries or problems to create a comprehensive recovery plan.

You’ll see Dr. Green and his team for a comprehensive evaluation. Be honest about your medical history, habits, and desired goals. Don’t lie about anything as that can impact how the recovery goes. If you know you like to have a beer with friends at weekends, be honest about it as certain medications and alcoholic beverages do not mix. If you smoke, tell the team.

Once a treatment plan is set up, you’ll be introduced to the different orthopedic team members. You’ll start learning the best techniques for managing pain, building muscle, and improving joint health. If you need to improve your nutrition or lose weight, you’ll work on that, too. Make sure you attend every appointment, even if you find them challenging. The harder you work, the quicker your recovery goes. 

In addition to working with the different doctors and therapists, you’ll have exercises to do at home on your own. You might be advised to join a group exercise program to form social connections that help you stay motivated. If it’s recommended, make sure you do it. If you’re told to do the exercises for a full hour each day, don’t quit 30 minutes into them. Put in the full hour.

You’re welcome to call our Fresno office to book an appointment or schedule your first appointment online. We welcome all ages who are looking for experts in orthopedic rehabilitation.


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