Posture and Pain: Addressing the Hidden Culprits Behind Chronic Discomfort


Have you ever noticed that a painful joint or muscle makes you change your posture? You address the pain by shifting weight to another set of muscles or another joint. A day later, a new ache appears where the muscles, tendons, or ligaments get more of a workout than usual.

This became apparent during the pandemic when many students and workers had to stay home. Something as simple as using a phone, tablet, or laptop became a pain, and we’re not talking about a figurative pain.

If you had two parents and several children at home, only one person could sit at the desk in an office chair that provided lumbar support. With people sitting on beds, sofas, dining room tables, counters, or even the floor to keep up with work, classes, or meetings, one study found that 70% of those surveyed experienced increased pain in the following areas.

  • Neck (86.4%)
  • Lower Back (75.9%) 
  • Shoulders (76.2%)

When you’re not sitting in a chair that supports your posture correctly, you strain different sets of muscles, and chronic pain becomes debilitating. The more you avoid exercise, the worse your posture gets and the more pain you experience. Several culprits play a role in the link between chronic pain and poor posture and at Premium Sports & Orthopedics, we can help you address each one.


The Effects of Stress

Have you ever considered chronic stress as being tied to the pain you experience? Someone with chronic stress tends to tighten muscles unknowingly. Breathing is shallower, insomnia worsens, and you may gain weight. The excessive muscle tension and weight gain put a lot of stress on your joints and muscles.

That’s just part of it. Chronic stress also increases inflammation. Adrenaline and cortisol increase. All of that makes muscles feel more pain than normal. Plus, when you’re stressed, there’s an instinctive response of curling up to protect yourself. Some people will sit in a slouched position and even rock slowly as a coping technique. Back, neck, and shoulder pain are common with chronic stress. You might also notice headaches and migraines occurring more often. That can trigger additional stress because that pain is new and alarming.

If your chronic pain is tied to stress, it’s important to find effective ways to manage the stress. Exercise is one way to de-stress, and it’s even better if you get that exercise outside in the fresh air and sun. Walking in nature, such as a walk on a forest trail, is great for stress management.

You also want to talk to a doctor. If you struggle to manage stress, it can build up and lead to panic attacks or depression. A doctor can help you find suitable treatments, such as working with a physical therapist, weight loss, or massage techniques that help you relax.


Increased Muscle Tightness

Poor posture also strains muscles that are being used in different ways. Say you’ve gained weight around the belly. Gravity is pulling your shoulders forward, and you have a hunched appearance when walking because of that strain. This strains the muscles in the back and hips.

When muscles have to do extra work to make up for poor posture, they will start to hurt. This often results in shifting to another position to ease the pain. As you shift, those additional muscle groups now become strained. 

Learning proper posture when sitting, standing, walking, or playing a sport is important to avoid unnecessary muscle and joint strain. Your best bet is to work with a physical therapist to ensure you’re gaining a strong core and can support correct posture.


Lack of Core Muscle Strength

One of the leading reasons for poor posture is poor core muscle strength. Your core muscles are the group of muscles that support your lower back and spine and aid with balance. They’re used in all movements you make, so a strong core is vital if you want to avoid chronic pain. The core muscles are:

  • Diaphragm – The muscle that’s between your abdomen and lungs/heart. It’s important as it helps you breathe.
  • Erector Spinae – Vertical muscles that follow the spine and help you extend your body.
  • Multifidus – A group of muscles that support your lumbar region. They help with pelvic support and spinal stability.
  • Quadratus Lumborum – An abdominal muscle in the lower back that holds your pelvis in place and helps with breathing.
  • Transverse Abdominis – The main muscle for spinal support.

If you have a weak core, you’re more likely to lose your balance. Recovering during a fall is difficult, and the fall could result in injuries that require a lot of time and therapy to heal properly. Weak core muscles also increase your risk of back pain and hernias in the abdominal wall.


Poor Nutrition

You’ve probably heard of osteoporosis. It’s a chronic health condition caused by a lack of calcium. It can happen to either gender, but it’s more common in women after menopause. 

When your nutritional needs do not include enough calcium, the bones weaken. The calcium deficiency makes it hard to stand properly. You walk hunched over, and that puts extra strain on your back and hip muscles. If the condition worsens, osteoporosis causes brittle bones that break easily. Someone with osteoporosis can break their bones simply by jumping over an object in the house.

Eating a healthy diet is essential. Many people fail to get enough vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium from the foods you eat. Vitamin D is not a vitamin that your body can make. You need to have foods rich in vitamin D, such as cheese or yogurt to keep your calcium levels up.


Strain from Repetitive Movements

When you’re not focused on an ergonomic workspace, muscle, tendon, and ligament strain is possible. One of the most common forms of injury from repetitive movements and poor posture is carpal tunnel syndrome. 

When you make repetitive wrist movements without proper posture, the median nerve is strained. This is an overuse injury that causes pain, numbness, and burning in the fingers. Sometimes, the pain and tingling travel up the arm. Your hand strength may weaken and make it easier to drop items. 

Splints help with proper posture while typing or doing other repetitive motions. Giving the affected area a break is also important. Take days off to let your tissue repair itself.


Proper Posture Is Essential

Make sure you protect yourself by improving your posture. If you have weak core muscles, work with an orthopedics specialist to learn the right ways to build core strength without risking injury. 

Get up and stretch regularly if you work behind a desk or in a seated position for long hours. Aim for 10,000 steps per day when possible. To do this, you might want to get up from your desk and walk a lap around the office or your house if you work at home. Climb stairs and work the muscles as you stretch.

Make sure your workspace is designed with your posture in mind. Lumbar support built into your chair and a monitor that is at eye level make a big difference.

Make an appointment with Premium Sports & Orthopedics. Our team is here to help you get into the best possible shape while addressing your posture. If you’re recovering from an injury, we can help. Whether you’re coming back after an extended injury or need help building a strong core, we’re ready to help you.

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